I needed a break from all the renovation craziness...so last night I made this tote bag...it matches two other items I've made recently...a baby quilt and a make-up bag. The fabric was from a kit to make a large quilt, and after I pieced much of it together I decided to make smaller things...didn't need a large quilt. I have two more kits of different fabrics...one of them may make the large quilt...we'll see.

I've been filling holes in walls...today I'll sand them and start painting. This is the upstairs bedroom, which will now have a double bed and be a REAL guest room. When we had the dumpster here for the window replacements we purged alot of stuff....whew! It's such a freeing experience.
Last week I painted the newly renovated half-bath upstairs....finally the pink plastic tile is a thing of the past.

We decided on neutrals since we expect to sell in the forseeable future.

I also began to get some Christmas decorations out....it takes a while for me to get all my dec done...so I'm going for it! The weather is great right now...today I'll do lights outside...maybe. My new front storm door is coming today.
I bought one new Byers Caroler this year...the ornament seller...and look at his special ornament (click to see closer)...I actually added that :)